Bitcoin, The gratest invention of our time

  • 01 min read
  • Nov 16, 2022
Bitcoin, The gratest invention of our time

There is a reason why Satoshi Nakamoto proposed Bitcoin just after the 2008 Financial crisis.

Bitcoin is a currency with no central authority.

Think Governments don't have control over money.

Think of a deflation economy where prices fall every year instead of rising.

Think of people who should not have leverage, will not having leverage.

Can politicians run vote of note campaigns if every transaction is visible to the entire world?

Why do you support Bitcoin so much? A bro asked me.

who will recommend it if a new drug comes to market. Doctors right? There is no way i don't support if programmable money comes to market.

I won enough Bitcoin to fund my retirement, if it worked out, but I bought it so that I can study economics, cryptography and computer science.

I gifted Bitcoin to my one year old niece so that we both can study economics, cryptography and computer science together

They say money should be a medium of exchange, unit of account and a store of value. I don't know about the first two but bitcoin definitely stores enormous value. today it is valued more than the GDP of swaziland.

you read this far! so you want to know more. How about reading "Satoshi Nakamoto emails" Or "Bitcoin white paper". Oh did i forgot to mention a funny story about how "some guy paid 10,000 Bitcoins for 2 pizzas"

Cheers to Bitcoin